Monday 2 December 2013

The risks of oil drilling

The general conditions in Arctic are extreme. Starting from the wind, minus temperatures and the rare sunlight. Though the oil companies are claiming to have a sufficient knowledge, equipment and expertise to successfully perform oil drilling in Arctic, it seems that the only motivation is the money. The threats of risks are left behind- almost like they don't exist...

The main threats of oil drilling in Arctic according to Greenpeace are:

  • In case of spill, populations of walrus, seal and polar bears will die
  • Getting on the spot of the disaster is complicated, as the closest harbors and coast guards are further than 900 km
  • The cranes and equipment may simply stop working in these extreme weather conditions
  • The leaked oil may go under the ice-bergs, which might be carried to miles away (and it won't be detected until it is too late)
  • Arctic is home for over four million people! 
  • The drilling would be limited for only two months during the summer (meaning, there is no way they can manage to get all the oil within that time)
  • If people keep consuming oil in the current rate, the oil found in Arctic would last only for 3 years... 
  • AND we don't even know if it is possible to get all of that out from there.

Didn't we learn already from BP case in the Gulf of Mexico enough? Do we need to repeat the damages once again? When do we learn?

We have to keep those adorable pieces safe! 

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