Sunday 15 December 2013

Protesting & Saving the Arctic

Save the Arctic campaign consists of many protests, mostly targeted directly to the oil companies. These protests performed by activists aim to achieve the publicity and increase the awareness among the general public. To make you more aware of them, here are some of the examples!

1. Save Santa's Home is a new addition to Save the Arctic campaign. The viral video shows Santa in really bad shape because North Pole is melting and he cannot serve the children of the world any longer. Greenpeace doesn't forget to bring in the political point of view, as Santa mentions that Obama and Putin have both been naughty this year...
Have a look! 

2. On December 9, 2013, Greenpeace protest hit Real Madrid news conference at FC Copenhagen. According to The Guardian article, the protest poster appeared shortly after the conference had begun. The oil company Gazprom is one of the sponsors of Europe elite groups... And the oil company's logo was covered with the poster that stated: "Save the Arctic Show Gazprom the Red Card". Well done, Greenpeace!

3. On December 11, 2013, Shell was hosting an event in Germany called "Science Slam" -  an event for young innovators to pitch ideas of greener energy use. However, according to Huffington post, the event was "hijacked" in one point, when a German activist Jean Peters brought a machine on the stage which covered the whole area with brown liquid representing an oil spill in Arctic. Have a look yourself: 

Slam Shell link can be found HERE

Do you think Greenpeace and its activists are doing a good job by these protests?
Do you have some more ideas of how to protect the Arctic from the oil companies? 
Let us know! 

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